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Hastings Divorce Mediation Lawyer

When many people hear the word divorce it conjures up images of emotional strife, hurtful words and costly court battles. That type of divorce is in the best interest of no one, especially parents that must continue to coexist for the purposes of co-parenting their children.

At the law offices of Stacy K. Morgan, P.A. in Hastings, we understand how personal divorce and family law issues are and believe that if parties are willing to work in good faith on resolving their issues, divorce does not have to mean litigation.

To learn about our thoughtful approach to family law, which includes mediation, call 651-209-1999 or 651-437-8933 for a free initial consultation with a Hastings divorce mediation attorney.

Cottage Grove Conflict Resolution Attorney

At our firm, we believe that most divorces can benefit from the parties going through mediation. Our lawyer, Stacy K. Morgan, is a qualified Family Law Mediator. She brings her experience as a mediator into mediation sessions where she acts as an advocate for her clients.

Mediation provides a comfortable, safe environment for divorcing spouses to discuss their differences and make settlement offers for consideration. Mediation is confidential and non-binding, so things said or presented in mediation cannot be used against them in a future trial.

Among the most attractive benefits of mediation for most is that it costs significantly less to resolve these issues through mediation than engaging in a drawn-out divorce trial. Mediation can often result in a settlement in a number of weeks, compared to months or more for many divorce trials.

Contact Us for Alternative Dispute Resolution

To speak to a lawyer about finding an amicable solution to your divorce and family issues, contact us today for a free consultation.